Best Web Series (Main Category)

Award Winner

"My Greatest Enemy--Myself!" Episode 3, THE BOY WHO EARNED HIS MAGIC

Lynn H. Elliott

Best Short (Main Category)

Award Winner

Little Shop of Horrors: The Future of Fools - Short Fan Made Pilot Film - First episode (The Beginning)

Joshua G Eton


Leap of Faith

Andromeda Graziano, Jack Elliott Hobbs


Aleksandra Fudala Barańska

Honorable Mention


Jerry Trieus

Best Documentary (Main Category)

Honorable Mention



Award Winner

Being an ACTOR

Teli Share

Best Short Documentary (Main Category)

Award Winner

Terra Draconis: posterity and prosperity of fossils in the modern age

Braeden Clete Meyer

Best Silent Film (Main Category)

Award Winner


Glenda Delgado

Best Experimental (Main Category)

Award Winner

Bradley's Journey

Callum Jon Bagshaw


Fixed Point

Teresa-Esmeralda Sanchez

Best Science Fiction (Main Category)

Award Winner

Fixed Point

Teresa-Esmeralda Sanchez

Best Music Video (Main Category)

Award Winner

[W I N G S O F L O V E] │ datshredboi

dat shredboi


Liberi Respiri (and the silence in between)

Lory Lory Muratti

Best Music Video (Main Category)

Award Winner

Jungle Out There

Brian Depalma, Todd Barrow

Best Narrative (Main Category)

Award Winner

The Ride To Heaven

Brian Depalma, Todd Barrow

Best Music (Main Category)

Award Winner

Liberi Respiri (and the silence in between)

Lory Lory Muratti

Best Screenplay (Main Category)

Award Winner

A Melody in the Bronx

FRANK MANCUSO, Rocco Trombetta

Best First Time Filmmaker (Main Category)

Award Winner

Bradley's Journey

Callum Jon Bagshaw

Best Director (Sub Category)

Award Winner

Bradley's Journey

Callum Jon Bagshaw

Best TV Pilot (Main Category)

Award Winner


Kevin B Ploth

Honorable Mention

Bradley's Journey

Callum Jon Bagshaw



Oct - Dec, 2024

April, 2022